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DQ 13_United States History II

DQ 13_United States History II

Q • Same-sex marriage, or marriage equality, emerged as a major civil rights issue in the 2000s, resulting in the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court case that declared marriage a legal right. Based on the sources assigned, what elements of the case and its decision made marriage a controversial or divisive issue? How can you relate the issue and the Supreme Court decision to historical civil rights issues tracked in United States History II (this course)? (Please note your answer should focus only on the assigned readings and the historical significance of the issue and the Supreme Course decision.)

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Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court case was indeed one of the most awaited decisions. It declared gay marriages or same sex marriages constitutional. This has been an issue throughout history and the Civil Rights issue as well. This showed that marriage was considered only between opposite sex as children can be borne by such parents and not the ones who are gay. In fact they were not even given the rights of adoption only because they preferred same sex for relationship or marriages.